General idea of translation and folklore

General idea of translation and folklore

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In the first part of work theory aspects of translation and folklore and lexical-grammatical transformations are described. The second part consists of history of Russian diaspora and culture and lexical and grammatical analysis. The perspectives of the research are that it can be used by teachers and students studying such courses as lexicology, literature and literary translation, translation studies.

1 General idea of translation and folklore……………………………………………
1.1 Theoretical aspects of translation, folklore and culture
1.2 National and cultural specificity of folklore
1.3 Lexical/ grammatical problems of translation of folklore texts
2. Specific peculiarities of translation of Russian fairy tales into English
2.1 History of Russian diaspora formation
2.2 The analysis of translation peculiarities of Russian fairy tales
2.3 Semantic problems of translation. Translating realia


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