The communicative principles of teaching English

The communicative principles of teaching English

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Practical value of the work is doubtless to the fact that the results, practical material of present paper can be helpful for the students, masters, postgraduates and teachers of English language and can be used during the lessons on methodology of teaching English language and practical lessons. The structure of the dissertation paper consists of introduction, three chapters, summaries on each chapter, conclusion and list of used literature.

Chapter I. Theoretical background of communicative approach formation
1.1. The communicative principles of teaching English…………………………8
1.2. Communicative approach in language teaching methodology……………….17
Summary of 1st chapter…………………………………………………………27
Chapter II. Communicative language teaching processing
2.1. Current Trends in Communicative Language Teaching…………………..29
2.2. Process-Based CLT Approaches – Content-Based Instruction and Task-Based Instruction…………………..41
2.3. Product-Based CLT Approaches – Text-Based Instruction and Competency-Based Instruction……….51
Summary of 2nd chapter………………………………………………………..59
Chapter III. Technology of developing communicative skills in the English classrooms
3.1. Classroom Activities in Communicative Language Teaching……………..61
3.2. Usage of authentic materials in developing communicative skills ……………………………….71
Summary of 3rd chapter…………………………………………………..……..83
List of used literature


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