Trade relation between Kazakhstan and China

Trade relation between Kazakhstan and China

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Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources, including chrome, coal, copper, gold, iron ore, wolfram, and zinc. The economy is still closely linked with the other economies of the former Soviet Union and especially with the Russian Federation. However, since independence in 1991, foreign trade has been redirected toward markets outside the former Soviet Union.

Chapter I: Background 1
Chapter II: Literature Review 2
2.1 Trade Cooperation between China and Kazakhstan 2
2.2 Trade between Kazakhstan and China 3
2.2.1 The predominance of Kazakhstan-Xinjiang trade 4
2.2.2 The energy sector 5 Petroleum and natural gas fields operated by
Chinese companies 5 Uranium and electricity 7
2.3 China Interests 8
2.4 FDI of China in Kazakhstan 9
Chapter III: Methodology 10
Chapter IV: Analysis 11
4.1 Import-Export between China and Kazakhstan 12
4.2 What does Kazakhstan Export to China? 13
4.3 What does Kazakhstan Import from China? 14
4.4 Russia Interest 15
Chapter V: Conclusion 17
5.1 Strength and Weakness from trade relationship between Kazakhstan
with China and Russia 17
5.1.2 Rivalry 19
5.2 Threat 20
References 21
Acknowledgements 22


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