The compliment as a social and cultural object of the Speech Act

The compliment as a social and cultural object of the Speech Act

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Purpose - to perform a speech act of compliment from the standpoint of the theory of speech acts and to describe its functioning in each linguistic culture

Chapter I…
1.1 Speech acts theory in linguistic сompliments
1.2. Classification of speech acts by Austin
1.3. Politenes
1.4. Positive and negative politeness
Chapter II
2.1. Studies on compliment responses….
2.2. Compliments a compliment responses across cultures
2.3. Herbert`s classification of compliment responses
2.4. Means of expression of compliment
2.5. Compliments its functions …
2.6. Structure of compliment responses…
2.7. The types of compliment responses
2.8. Phrases of compliments in speech in different cultures
List of References


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